PreRoll Press Inc

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Screen sifted 85% flower 15% leaf

In this video I am showing a method of material prep that creates a cleaner product free of stems and ground stem material. With a preferred mix ratio of 15% plant materials (leaf) and 85% flower. This purpose of this ratio was to get a better burn because the flowers were too oily to burn well with a little leaf added into the mix. Not too dry and not to oily. Resulting in a cleaner smoother burn with less hassles like keeping it lit.

Though it is slower the produce sifted material, it stands to reason by removing all or a vast majority of the stems is better. And for the customer it’s a better overall experience.

Another quality of sifted material is the material draws air better when smoked with a more even burn. As for processing and making pre-rolls it also packs better. This is why proper material prep is the number one way to start making good pre-rolls.

PreRoll Press Product Video

In this video I am showing the new shaker and our press 121 pre-roll filling and finishing machine. The PreRoll Press 121 is the fastest pre-roll press machine we offer. A single operator can use this machine to produce 5 to 10 thousand pre-rolls in a single eight-hour shift.

Also, in this video I’m displaying the effectiveness of our shaker/packer design at making the pre-rolls bounce to helping them pack well.

No metering tray

In this video I’m using an early press 121 model to show that 121 pre-rolls could be filled, folded, and closed within 6 minutes. This was likely a world record at the time of it’s filming. (The most finished pre-rolls in the shortest time.) To my, and everyone’s surprise, using my newly invented PreRoll Press pre-roll filling and finishing machine, I was able to produce 121 Pre-rolls from start to finish in under 6 minutes with a single station PreRoll Press. This meant that over a thousand an hour was possible using a PreRoll Press, while also creating a better overall product. “Faster and better, the two most beautiful words in the labor industry.”

Futurola Knockbox and Raw Thumper

This video shows the PreRoll Press 100. It’s called the 100 because it adapts to the Futurola (knockbox) 100 and the Thumper 100.

Our press adapted to either of these machine takes a well-known and broadly circulated pre-roll design/machine and speeds it up making it two to four times faster. If someone likes their Futurola or Thumper I recommend my Press 100 even if it’s a bit slower then our 121 model, because it still works well and often people love their Futurola.  

Our Recent Trade Show at baltimore

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